Daily calendar and weather display for your classroom.
This bumper pack includes:
Days of the week
Months of the year
Weather symbols
A great way to start each morning teaching the children all of the above.
All colour coded for ease of finding cards. To make it last longer and more durable please laminate.
Display Alphabet, Upper and Lower Case
Print out these display letters to create your own titles for different boards. These black chalkboard bunting style display lettering will make any board stand out.
Within this assembly or class power point.
Outcomes for this powerpoint:
Understand that kindness is important and can affect
our lives for the good.
Know how to report bullying in your school
Know what a ripple effect is and that we want to
spread kindness this Anti-Bullying Week.
The lesson or assembly will begin with teachers acting out polite and welcoming speech/body language and then being strict and rude to the pupils.
Ask the children how they felt for each scenario.
These can then be written up on the board if available or on post it notes for children to put in different topic areas eg happy feelings and sad feelings.
You will then talk about what kindness is and who we can talk to within the school if we ever feel sad from someones actions towards us.
Video clips can then be shown and children can comment on the positive outcomes as well as negative (if there are any).
You will then conclude with a chain reaction of kindness where you can work as a school or class to promote acts of kindness within the school.